DAWN TRUST (A Trust for Women Empowerment) and its registered office at No 31, 2nd Cross, Beschi Nagar Woraiyur, Trichirapalli -620 003. Registered under Public Charitable Trust Reg.No 2222/08 dated 10th Nov,2008.


  1. To work for socially and economically deprived sections of the rural people
  2. To work for the sustainable development of the society through community organizing capacity building by providing education housing and addressing local issues
  3. To create employment opportunities through microcredit and enterprise development
  4. To involve in lobbying and advocacy for micro and macro issues.
  5. Area Of Operation: Tamil Nadu.
  6. Branch office is located in KK Nagar. And having 23 centres around 7 KM of KK Nagar.